ThE Week at Good Shepherd
10 am Eucharist with music taking place in our sanctuary each week.
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays - In-Person Morning Prayer, 7:15 am. Using the prayer book service and the daily lectionary, we begin our day in the presence of God.
Thursdays- Hidden Brook Contemplative Prayer. 7:00 pm. A beautiful 40-minute virtual service of prayer, poetry, chant, candlelight, and silence. A holy pause in your busy week. Please note that Hidden Brook is on hiatus during the month of August each year.
Wednesday - Pastoral Response Team -10:30 am. Noonday prayer and conversation about how best to respond to the needs and joys of the parish and the world. Meets by Zoom.
Our Sunday services are available on facebook and our Worship page.
• Our diocese maintains a list of virtual worship opportunities here:
• Our Cathedral in Boston Watch live here:
• If you don’t have a copy of the Book or Common Prayer at home, you can find the online version at
coming up @ cgs
The Youngish Adult group (20s and 30s) meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm for dinner, prayer, and conversation. Contact for more info. During the coronavirus emergency the Youngish Adultish Group meets online 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings. For more information contact Melva James
Bring a plant or flower to plant in the Potluck Garden in front of the church. In addition, Garden watering volunteers are needed. Call the church office at 617-924-9420 for more information.
The Pastoral Response Team meets on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. We pray the noonday office and consider how best to respond to the needs of those in the parish and community. Meets in the parish office. During the coronavirus emergency the pastoral response team is meeting via Zoom. Contact Steve Steadman for an invitation.
The Vestry meets at 7 pm on the second Wednesday of each month (location TBD). All are welcome. Contact Rev. Andrew for an invitation (
Rejoice! - our seasonal newsletter
Read the most recent newsletter here.