You are welcome at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
Ash Wednesday Service
March 5: 7PM Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes
The Rev. H. Mark Smith, Preacher
Our in-person service of Morning Prayer continues at Good Shepherd on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 7:15 am.
Hidden Brook, our weekly contemplative service, is held on Thursday evenings at 7 pm. Hidden Brook typically takes a break during the month of August.
All are welcome at all of our services and events.
Our Mission
The Church of the Good Shepherd is an Episcopal community of joyful believers, where children are full members of the church. We experience Christ in our liturgy, in prayer, in our work for justice and peace, and in each other. We find strength and resilience in the combined abilities of all our members. We strengthen our faith and understanding through formation and community engagement. We take care of one another and our neighbors. We welcome you.